New Paintings on Round Wooden Cradle Canvas

Finally got the shipment of the wooden cradle canvases. The whole “canvas” is made of wood. They’re great to use for this medium, because they don’t sag like a regular canvas does. BUT. You have to use a sealer coat before you paint, or they take FOREVER to dry. Wood holds moisture, sooooo triple the drying time if you don’t seal them first(ask me how I know… smh!) This is important to remember, because if you DON’T allow them to dry completely before your resin coat, they can get mold and ruin your work…

Arts and Crafts Fair Tomorrow

So there’s a big arts and crafts fair tomorrow at a local church in NJ. Supposed to be over 100 vendors, and I’ve been working on this for like a month, lol! Painting and painting, but it was great, AND smart. I tried a few new products that I normally wouldn’t, and I now see what works, AND what doesn’t, lol! Frustrating crunching in the final days, using new products that gave me some very UNPREDICTABLE results, and NOT in a good way. Needless to say the keychains won’t be making the trip…

Here’s a few of the pieces that I will take with me:

I’ve got quite a few more color combinations, excited to get some feedback!

Wish me luck!

Chris :0)